Embody the feminine future for change

Unlocking feminine driven innovation to create caring and regenerative futures.

Experts in transformation, innovation and creation.

We believe that diversity, inclusivity and nature first approach are key to driving innovation and growth.

We embrace the feminine-driven strategy to innovation which incorporates feminine values, perspectives, and qualities into the design and development process. We strive to harness the unique strengths and insights that women must bring to the table.

We believe in

Long Term Sustainability

Our approach places a strong emphasis on long-term sustainability and the well-being of future generations. It recognizes the importance of preserving and nurturing resources for the benefit of all.

Multidisciplinary Thinking

We work in a holistic manner, considering the broader context and interconnectedness of issues. Taking into account social, environmental, and ethical considerations in addition to economic factors.

Intuition and Creativity

We work with intuition and creativity as valuable sources of insight and inspiration. We embrace uncertainty, ambiguity, and leverage intuitive thinking in problem-solving and decision-making.

We have worked with

Our Services

Our approach is grounded in love and human resonance, and we believe that these values are essential to creating truly transformative solutions. Our process is driven by adopting the ethics of care. We seek to embrace new storytelling that leads to moving the dial of innovation. We bravely believe in the power of vulnerability, intuition and creativity.

Our services include strategic consulting, project management, and expertise in areas such as product development, market research, experience design and design thinking. We specialize in future scaping helping organizations create innovative solutions that are both functional and meaningful for people, with a particular focus on driving positive social and humanitarian impact.

Areas of expertise

Global Conferences

Facilitation of participatory and leadership roes in global conferences such as the World Economic Forum, the annual Conferences of Parties (COP27+) and UN General Assembly side events

Strategic Innovation

We specialize in integrating feminine wisdom, values, and insights into every aspect of our product development and customer experience. We provide tailored solutions that embrace inclusivity, promote empathy, and foster creativity, enabling your company to thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Future Scaping

We encourage through design to think creatively, question assumptions, and explore uncharted territories to develop new solutions or approaches that can shape the future..

How to engage?

Recognising that the areas that Sea Blue Consulting specialises in may not be intuitive to all prospective clients, an initial meeting offers a valuable opportunity to not only clarify vision and needs but also to explore possibilities, lessons learned and understand potential impact.

Options of engagement vary from advisory services in the areas of woman and children, climate change, innovation and leadership to designing new programs. We are a team of trained speakers and participation global events is one of the key ways we build impact. The services of Sea Blue Consulting can be engaged by contributing to their 501(c)3 non-profit arm.